Health Care

How To Curb Night Eater Syndrome

Night Eater: He watches his diet, analyzes what he eats, and moderates himself in everything, But when night comes, he storms the fridge. What is behind this behavior that can put health at risk? The profile of the night dining room is nothing strange. There is more than 1 case for every 100 inhabitants.

These are people who wake up in the middle of the night with an irrepressible desire to rob the fridge. However, people who, during the day, have a feeling of lack of appetite or try to give an image while maintaining a diet.

1. A Capricho is Not an Attraction

A binge is a severe problem characterized by two facts:

  • You eat several foods that are greater than what most people would eat in similar circumstances. There is a taste of lack of control.
  • You cannot stop eating or control the amount or what you eat. Also, other clues can indicate that we are facing a problem.

According to the psychologist three of these assumptions must be given :

  • We were eating faster than usual.
  • Swallow until you feel unpleasantly full.
  • Consume a lot, even if you are not hungry.
  • Eating only for the shame of the amount you eat.
  • Then feel uncomfortable with yourself.

It is not something specific: it is a problem if it occurs more than 3 times a month. “Binge eating is also not a one-off thing. They must be given at least once a week for three months.”

2. Why Eat at Night?

The Night Eater syndrome of binge eating is the same regardless of the time of the day it is made. However, there are some fixed features of the late-night dining room.

According to the psychologist Montse Basques, from the Institute of Eating Disorders, “it is observed that the night eater syndrome is more frequent in people with obesity. They concentrate on the highest percentage of energy intake at dinner”. Obese people are more likely to eat at night.

20% of obese admits he has a great sense of wanting to eat at night, and more than 7% get up and eat. As we pointed out at the beginning, in general, this night eater problem occurs in one or two out of every hundred people.

Therefore, the fact that it is more frequent in obese people does not mean that it does not average weight.

3. What Are the Night Dining Rooms

Although anorexia and bulimia are more popular, more adults are affected by this “binge syndrome.” There is a more excellent balance between men and women. “Many times, the disorder had started subtly in childhood, when the child was calmed with food or sweets during moments of nerves.”

There are more adults affected by this night’s eater syndrome than by anorexia or bulimia.

Those affected tend to have specific problems controlling their emotions, and it is common for them to also suffer from anxiety, depression, insomnia, and low self-esteem. The problem of binge eating requires medical treatment or, at a minimum, psychological monitoring.

It Would Help if You Were Advised

“Specialized help must be requested in all cases, without exception,” emphasizes Montse Basques.

“In many cases, it is these states of anxiety and depression that prompt us to eat. They look for food in an unconscious and wrong way, to fill a void and run away from their emotions so as not to have to face them”, adds the psychologist.

You look for food to fill an emotional void and never do. By binge-eating, the psychological problem, far from being solved, worsens. You enter a vicious circle. Food is used as an antidepressant, but later feelings of guilt appear, feel bad, and return to seek refuge in food.

4. Steps to Solve It

The treatment to overcome binge eating disorder combines three parts.

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (behaviors are analyzed) for eating problems.
  • Interpersonal therapy for isolation problems.
  • A deep understanding of why this urge to eat uncontrollably occurs.

“These therapies advocate the teaching of resources and strategies that allow managing eating behavior and physical activity,” he adds.

5. Analyze Your Attitude to the Food

You may feel reflected in what is stated in this article or that your profile does not exactly match the one described, but you think that you may not have a good relationship with food. Some guidelines can help you analyze it.

Keep a journal. Watch yourself. Write down everything you are taking for a few weeks, both at meals and between meals. This diet diary will allow you to be aware of your mistakes.

Observe your relationship with food to detect possible suspicious patterns

Look at the details. If you were alone, where, at what time, what were you doing, and how were you feeling. After these weeks, review your notes and analyze which patterns are repeated more frequently. It will be uncomplicated for you to guess what is the emotional hunger behind your attitude.

6. Useful Strategies to Avoid Attraction

  • Eat slowly, chewing and enjoying the taste.
  • Before opening the fridge, ask yourself if you are hungry or what your body is asking for are empty calories.
  • Cooking will help you establish a healthy relationship with food.

Thinking about why you are going to eat and analyzing that moment can reduce anxiety. Look for alternatives. Instead of jumping into the chocolate bars, look for activities like a short walk, dancing, or craft.

Mark schedules. Eat five meals a day, starting with a good breakfast. It is not about eating more, but about distributing food better.

The Health Buzzer

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