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9 Foods To Improve The Performance Of Your Exams

Foods: Diet is essential at this time of the study. Some foods are scientifically proven to help improve our cognitive ability and performance. Take note of what these allied foods are.

1. Dark Green Vegetables

A good example would be broccoli, which due to its excellent composition rich in antioxidants, carotenoids, minerals, and vitamin K, makes the mind active, facilitates concentration, enhances memory, and fights against cellular aging.

2. Dark Chocolate 70% Cocoa

Thanks to the flavonoids it contains, it improves memory. It can also increase cerebral blood flow, leading to improved alertness and mental clarity of the student.

The darker, the more benefits!

3. Bananas

It stands out for its potassium and vitamin C content, highly recommended for the diet of students. It also contains vitamin B6, which contributes to the production of concentration-linked neurotransmitters.

4. Blueberries

They take care of memory, reduce stress, and improve concentration thanks to its composition rich in gallic acid and antioxidants.


The antioxidants are essential because they inhibit cell damage caused by free radicals, one of the cognitive decline causes.

5. Walnuts

Its high antioxidants, vitamins, amino acids, and especially omega 3 fatty acids improve memory, increase concentration, and optimize neuronal performance.

6. Carrots

Thanks to the antioxidant it contains known as beta-carotene, the information retention capacity is increased.

7. Blue Fish

This class of fish (like salmon) is affluent in omega 3 fatty acids, which improve concentration, help to study more efficiently, and have even been linked to preventive degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s or loss of memory.

8. Avocados

This superfood contains antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids. The combination of these substances enhance memory, mental performance, and prevent cognitive deterioration of brain health.


9. Whole grains

Some examples are brown rice, pasta, and bread.

They have a low glycemic index, gradually releasing sugar into the bloodstream and contributing to having an active mind and higher memory function.

10. What You Should Not Take

“It is necessary to have a diet wealthy in legumes, fruits and vegetables, whole cereal and healthy fats; and small in saturated fats and simple sugars, they are the key to maintaining mental alertness and power of concentration. This, of course, must go accompanied by a good rest and regular sports practice.”

Excessive consumption of sweets. It is a mistake to think that when we study, we need more sugar. We need sugar to function, but not that sugar that we imagine and not in such high amounts. The consumption of industrial pastries, jelly beans, snacks responds to stress, but not to our nutritional needs.

Its content in unhealthy fats does not benefit us precisely at these times. Still, it somewhat can hinder our brain’s work as well as refined sugars that, added to our sedentary situation, will condition an increase in weight, waist circumference, and specific cardiovascular risk parameters.

Hearty meals. They can cause slow decision making, fatigue, and digestive discomfort that prevent us from developing our activity efficiently. It is recommended to make small shots spread throughout the day, which maintains our energy without giving us fullness. The ideal is to eat without feeling satiated, every 2-3 hours, making a higher intake in the main meals.

The consumption of exciting. The state of nervousness about not being on time sometimes causes us not to rest appropriately, and the concepts we learn are not adequately entrenched. To avoid it, sleep properly and choose beneficial foods for your nervous system compared to those that can alter you.

11. Other Things That Help

In addition to food, it is necessary to consider other fundamental aspects such as sleep, physical activity, and the need to disconnect for a while from the notes.

physical activity

  • The importance of sleeping well. Sleeping 6 to 8 hours is critical. It will help us to be more rested, and therefore we can perform better. Sleep is responsible for fixing everything we have learned in our brains. Not sleeping well: it reduces concentration and increases anxiety levels.
  • Don’t forget to exercise. No requirement to go to the gym: we know that these days the only thing you are going to do is study. But it is wise to do some physical activity, for example, walk 30 minutes a day.
  • A tip: take a walk around the neighborhood or near your house after the afternoon study and before dinner. Spending time a day doing some physical activity, activates energy, and relaxes.
  • Disconnect for a while from the studio. It is essential to talk, chat with friends and family, and do an activity that you like daily, such as watching a chapter of a TV series. It is recommended to take breaks every two to three hours.

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