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Tricks To Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Do you have any inconvenience of falling asleep? Don’t you look back on what it was like to sleep soundly? We have 30 tips, tricks, and remedies to sleep soundly, and better than taking linden!

What time do you turn off your mobile?

What you do during the day control how you go to sleep at night. To sleep well, turn off your mobile, tablet, computer 2 hours before sleep. The blue light discharge by the mobile or tablet and the continuous transmission of 3G or 4G data alters the sleep hormone’s segregation.

An early dinner

The flawless is to have dinner two hours before going to sleep and that it is a light meal, which does not mean scarce. You must choose easy-to-digest foods so that later they do not give you the night. Do you lack ideas to make a dinner that allows you to sleep well? We tell you what to eat here.

Sport, first thing

Exercising regularly contributes to good sleep, but it is better to do it in the morning, maximum in the afternoon. If you use it later, you may become overly active and have trouble falling asleep then.

Since we can’t leave home now, take note of this weekly exercise plan to take care of your body and mind during the quarantine.

Neither tea nor coffee in the afternoon

Neither tea nor coffee in the afternoon

Indeed, everyone does not have the same effect on intoxicating drinks – or foods like chocolate – but it is normal for the body to take 7 to 8 hours to eliminate caffeine. Therefore, if you have sleep problems, do not drink more than 2 cups of tea or coffee and do not do it first thing in the afternoon.

Siesta, yes or no?

It depends. If you have trouble falling asleep, you better not do it. But if it does not influence you, it is advisable to do it as long as it does not exceed 20 minutes.

The star natural remedy: infusion

Yes, our grandmothers arranged everything with herbs, and this is still a holy hand to relax, promote sleep, and keep it up all night. Infusions of valerian, passionflower, and California poppy are highly recommended.

If you are not an interest of these swallows, you can always take it in natural supplements.

A ritual that predisposes to sleep

Each person should establish their routine, such as taking a relaxing shower, taking time to put on the creams, listening to soft music, reading, or meditating until the moment of turning off the light. And, of course, none of this involves falling asleep in front of the TV.

And if he is the one who won’t let you sleep

If you breathe slowly or directly snore like a rhino; It moves more than a fan at speed three or occupies the entire bed and condemns you to sleep on the edge; consider sleeping in separate rooms.

If the floor does not allow it, look for solutions, from earplugs to a doctor’s visit on your part (snoring is not suitable for health, so you are interested in knowing what to do to avoid it).

Visit the bathroom before

The urge to go to the toilet does not interrupt your sleep and visit the bathroom before going to bed. And if they still get you up, instead of going to the bathroom, do a Kegel exercise and grip it.

Training your pelvic floor will ensure that the urge to urinate does not prevent you from sleeping well.

Stretch before you go to bed

Hopefully, we stretch before we get out of bed, but stretching is recommended before getting into bed, to release tension. You can also take deep breaths and force the yawn a little, to call for sleep.

The best sleeping posture

The best sleeping posture - Good Sleep

Experts advise sleeping on your side and, if possible, on the left side, because this way, your heart pumps better. But not for everyone, it is a comfortable posture. If it is more usual for you to sleep on your back, the idea is to put a cushion under your knees so that your return is relaxed.

Sleeping on your stomach is the least recommended because it forces the neck’s position and the lower back area. In this case, it would be advised that you try to change your sleeping position.

The alarm clock, facing the wall

If you have trouble falling resting or wake up at night, looking at the clock will make you more nervous about how long it takes you to sleep or the (little) time you have left to sleep. In order not to be tempted to consult him, “punish him” facing the wall.

Using a traditional alarm clock

Take your bedroom mobile at any price. It makes you sleep worse because psychologically, it makes you watch for incoming messages or calls, but it also creates an electromagnetic field that can alter melatonin, the sleep hormone.

A traditional battery-powered alarm clock, without a transformer that has the same effect as the mobile, will be your best option.

If your worries don’t let you sleep, write

Instead of tossing and turning the bed, get up and write down what worries you. Sometimes, putting it black on white, you can make concrete those diffuse fears that reveal you or rationalize what happens to you inside.

It can also help you make an action plan that allows you to go back to bed in peace.

Sleeping naked is sleeping better (according to science)

It is a somewhat tricky proposal if you feel naked without a nightgown or pajamas even in the heat of the heat, but know that according to the Los Angeles Institute for Sleep Studies (USA), sleeping without clothes will It helps to regulate your body temperature better and encourages your sleep to be rooted.

Anyway, and without getting undressed if you don’t feel comfortable, you should adapt your clothes to room temperature.

Sleep with socks

We already know that we have just told you that it is better to sleep naked and, of course, naked and with socks is a somewhat different image, but if there is one thing that is proven, having cold feet prevents falling asleep, not in vain. Grandmothers knitted bootees (and not just for babies).

If you snore, go to the doctor!

It may be hard for you to know if you don’t sleep with someone next to you, but if you wake up tired and go to sleep during the day, turn on the recorder at night and find out if it’s the cause. Snoring prevents a good night’s rest, so consult your doctor to find out that you sleep.

To sleep well, not many hours or a few

It is as harmful to sleep little – less than 7 hours – to sleep more – after 9 hours. Anyway, if you are short of sleep during the week, know that a recent study published in the Journal of sleep research ensures that rest can be recovered by sleeping more on weekends, which is good for the heart.

Follow regular schedules

The ideal is to have a sleep routine that leads us to go to sleep and get up at the same time every day, with variations of a maximum of one hour during the weekend and holidays.

If we “program” ourselves according to this schedule, it will be easier for our body to regulate itself to feel sleepy when it touches.

Choosing the best mattress

It should be at least 10-20 cm more than your height and a minimum thickness of 15 cm. Regarding the width, the singles must be a minimum of 80 cm and the doubles, 135 cm. If you are light, opt for a flexible one that adapts to your shape.

For more than 70 kg, a firm one for more support. If you sleep as a couple, a latex mattress or pocket or bagged springs will allow you both to sleep comfortably. A double bed can also be customized so that each one has the firmness they want.

Make the bed

Make the bed - Good Sleep

According to a study by the Professional College of Physiotherapists of Madrid, if you do not make the bed, it will cost you more to catch up on sleep because it requires you to adopt the proper position.

The ideal bedding

In summer, the perfect thing is that the sheets are cotton or silk because they are very fresh materials. In winter, down comforters warm without regret, giving you freedom of movement.

How the pillow has to be

It should not be too giant or too hard, because it could cause tension in the cervicals and cause headaches. If you need more built-in sleep, instead of using a very high cushion or two cushions, it is best to raise the bed’s head.

To sleep well, tidy up the room

The order will give you tranquility, peace, tranquility, which will result in greater ease of falling asleep. Ensure that everything is in the closet, that there are no loose clothes throughout the room, shoes, etc.

Relaxing colors

Some studies indicate that light colors and pastel tones relax us and make it easier to rest well. Therefore avoid bright hues in the bedroom, both on the walls and the bedding.

Shhhhhh, silence, please

The noise makes it take you longer to fall asleep, but it can also disrupt your sleep. Insulate your room with double-glazed windows, cork, or anti-noise plates on the walls. Or try earplugs.

Sleep in the dark

Lower the blinds for absolute darkness and use blackout curtains. When you go to sleep, try to make the lights dim to predispose you to sleep.

Minimalist decor

An overloaded bedroom causes stress, and this does not help a good rest. Ideally, there should be a few decorative elements. Of course, there should also be no television or other devices.

You must pass neither cold nor heat

The ideal bedroom temperature is between 15º and 18ºC. In summer, try that the air conditioning, if you have it, does not give directly on the bed. In winter, if you don’t live in icy areas, turn the heat off or set it to turn on shortly before you get up. And if you live in a freezing area, that does not exceed 18º.

When you leave work, disconnect

Okay, now we are in quarantine for the coronavirus, but take note of this advice for when we return to work, but also if you are practicing telework. When you decide to end your day, but work issues out of your mind. Ideally, part of your time can be dedicated to activities that you like, relax.

You must enjoy time for yourself, do what you want, practice your hobbies, play sports, etc.

Your musculature recovers from the daytime effort; your memory consolidates, you settle the acquired knowledge, improve your mood and physical appearance, pay more, and prevent illnesses. Come on, sleeping well benefits you in every way.

But although it is only about lying in bed and closing your eyes, 30% of Spaniards have a hard time doing it, and we have some sleep disorder, according to the Spanish Sleep Society (SES).

If this is your case, rest assured, when the reason for insomnia does not have an organic origin, a few small changes in habits may be the best remedy.

But habits – time to go to bed, get up, etc. – is not the only thing that matters. It is also essential to keep in mind tricks such as painting the bedroom walls in a relaxing color or turning the alarm clock not to reveal you.

And we also have advice on what is the best position to sleep well, etc. Of course, we have not given up on telling you the best home remedies for deep sleep.

1. Prepare The Day To Sleep At Night.

Without hunger. Spread meals throughout the day, so you don’t get hungry or overly satiated at dinner. If you are too greedy, you will devour at dinner, and digestion will affect your rest.

And if you don’t have an appetite and don’t have dinner, you can stay up at midnight because you feel your stomach empty.

A nap yes, but with nuances. It can be perfect for disconnecting and face the afternoon with energy if it does not exceed 20 minutes. If you have insomnia, don’t do it to avoid getting too spicy to bed.

Leave work in the office. Learn to disconnect. If you find it difficult, find an activity that helps you (meditation, yoga, sports, dance classes, music, hobbies, crafts, etc.).

Sport, better sooner than later. Exercise helps you sleep well, but don’t do it three hours before going to bed because it will keep you on your toes.

Sport, better sooner than later - Good Sleep

Tea and coffee, until early in the afternoon. Avoid drinking tea and coffee in the 6 to 8 hours before going to sleep. Many people take 7 to 8 hours to eliminate caffeine.

Neither mobile nor tablet. According to Concha Navarro, Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Granada, “it is important to disconnect from everything that can excite your senses at least two hours before going to bed.”

The blue light emitted by the mobile or tablet and the continuous transmission of 3G or 4G data alters the segregation of the sleep hormone.

“Low speed.” Prepare your body for sleep by relaxing you, such as reading a book, listening to quiet music, or walking the dog. For the days when you are more nervous, prepare a sedative bath and, when leaving, take the opportunity to apply creams giving yourself a pleasant massage. Pampering yourself benefits you.

Sign up for herbal medicine. Herbal teas and supplements can also be great allies in times of insomnia. Valerian, for example, controls anxiety and eases drowsiness at night. Passionflower can lengthen the phases of a deep sleep, helping you sleep in one go. And the California poppy allows you to fall asleep and avoid early awakenings.

2. Going To Sleep

Your partner influences you. If your partner sleeps badly, take it as “personal,” because his insomnia can interfere with your sleep.

Get up. Before going to bed, stretch your arms and legs while taking a deep breath. Even though you may not feel like it, you likely release tension and that typical yawns will arise in principle.

Go to the bathroom before bed. If you don’t want to get up in the middle of the night to run to pee, go to the toilet before going to bed. Not drinking too much liquid late in the day also helps you sleep like a dormouse since your bladder won’t wake you up to go to the bathroom.

Find your ideal posture. The most recommended is on the side. If you favor to sleep on your back, place a cushion under your knees to relax your back. Facedown is not recommended because it forces the lower back.

Alarm clock better than mobile. The mobile could create an alarm feeling as if you were waiting for a call. Also, the electromagnetic field generated by the charger alters melatonin, the sleep hormone.

If you use an alarm clock, it is better to use batteries and keep your mobile far from the rest area.

Turn the alarm clock. To not be aware all the time of the hour if you wake up at night.

Write what worries you. If you can’t snooze, get out of bed and write down what worries you. Externalizing it will relax you.

Sleep naked. According to the Los Angeles Institute for Sleep Studies (USA), sleeping in pajamas makes it challenging to regulate your body temperature and make your rest not as deep and comforting as if you slept naked.

If you need to sleep with some clothes despite this, choose a light nightgown without seams, rubber bands or labels that can bother you at night.

Hot feet. Going to bed with cold feet can make it hard to catch up on sleep and even wake you up in the middle of the night. If you want to sleep like a baby, recycle those socks that already have the rubber released and that you were going to throw away.

They are perfect because they will keep your feet warm and will not impede the legs’ circulation.

If you snore, tell the doctor. According to Dr. Francisco Campos, “for social reasons, women may be reluctant to consult some typical symptoms of certain sleep disturbances, such as snoring.” However, it is essential to do so, because possible heart disease could be prevented.

Not much or little. The ideal sleep time for an adult is 7 to 8 hours. With less than 6 hours, you will be irritable and will not give up, and if you sleep less than 5 for two months in a row, you are likely to suffer from chronic insomnia.

Be regular. The secret is to go to sleep and get up always, or almost always, at the same time, including weekends.

3. Get The Perfect Bed.

The mattress: Find the material that convinces you the most (latex, memory foam, etc.). If you sleep accompanied, you may be interested in those who have different firmness on each side.

Bedding: In summer, cotton sheets will give you the freshness you are looking for. In winter, duvets of different thicknesses will provide you with the ideal temperature.

Cool pillow: A trick for hot days is to put the pillowcase in the fridge for a few minutes before going to bed. If you spray it with lavender, it will relax you.

Make the bed. A study by the Professional College of Physiotherapists of Madrid has shown that sleeping in an unmade bed prevents us from finding the right position to fall asleep. So even if you’re lazy, make your bed every day!

4. How The Room Should Be To Sleep Well

Orderly. A messy room causes stress and can remind you of tasks left to do and are not conducive to rest.

With few distractions. Keep your room free from distractions like the TV and laptop. Don’t overload the decor, either.

Silent. It is crucial that silence reign. You can use thick curtains, carpet or carpet, double-glazed windows, cork, or anti-noise plates to reduce noise. You can also use earplugs.

Dark. For full darkness, use blackout curtains or blinds. The lights in the room should be dim, and ideally, they should be dimmable so that the minutes before lying in bed, you can reduce the intensity of the light.

Attention to color. A study by the Doctor Ivan Barbot Hospital in Croatia suggests that different processes that affect our hormones and influence mood are activated depending on our complexion, for the walls choose light or pastel colors that produce a relaxing effect. Avoid overly loud tones.

Well acclimatized. We sleep better with a cool temperature, although too cold is also harmful. If you use air conditioning, try not to give directions; and if you put the heating on, that it does not exceed 17º C.

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