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If You Have A Headache, You May Be Lacking Vitamins

Lacking Vitamins: A problem that recurs with a specific frequency is always alert and worries, but in many cases, the cause is quite simple: the lack of a particular nutrient. Lack of vitamins B, D, or E may be the cause.

Headaches or headaches are one of the most frequent ailments. Epidemiological studies indicate that 90% of the population has had an episode of trouble in the previous year, and 5% suffer it practically daily.

A study, states that along with other determining factors such as stress, insufficient rest, or hormonal changes, the lacking vitamins maybe another big trigger.

It seems hard to believe that we can be deficient in some lacking vitamins with so many foods at our fingertips. But lacking vitamins is like this. The excess refined products, adding additives, and using pesticides and other chemicals in fruits and vegetables favor it.

1. If You Don’t Have Enough Vitamin E

It is one of the substances responsible for raising defenses and preventing blood vessels from narrowing. Also, if it is missing, the headache recurs.

To be absorbed well, there must be fat in your digestive system because it uses it “from the vehicle.” Otherwise, the headache may be recurring. If you lacking vitamins, you may notice:

  • Less control of movements.
  • There are spasms and tremors.
  • Vision problems.
  • Frequent infections (from low defenses).

sunflower seeds

2. They Are More at Risk of Being Lacking

  • Metabolic syndrome sufferers: People with obesity, diabetes, cholesterol, and hypertension (all or at least three of these disorders) need to take more vitamin E (between 30% and 50% more than the rest) because, According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, they do not assimilate this substance well.

During menstruation may lower the levels of this vitamin.

  • If you have taken antibiotics: Specifically those made with dapsone (for the treatment of dermatitis).
  • With menstruation: Although it is not yet known why many women have low levels of vitamin E during the period.

3. Foods That Provide It to You

An appropriate amount of vitamin E, on the other hand, helps protect our body against heart and vision conditions. Every day you need to take 20 mg. They provide vitamin E:

  • Peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, and Brazil nuts.
  • Leafy green vegetables, such as spinach, kale, and broccoli.
  • Enriched products if there is no medical contraindication.

4. If You Have Vitamin D Deficiency

It is an ally of defenses and against osteoporosis. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, contributes to healthy bones, and protects older people from osteoporosis. It is also essential to have a healthy immune system and decrease inflammation.

However, its deficiency is chronic and causes muscular and bone disorders. Sunbathing (even on your face and hands for about 15 minutes a day) is the best way to provide our body with the Vitamin D it needs.

Sunbathing about 15 minutes a day is the best way to get it.

A recent study by the American Headache Society has highlighted that 40% of people with headaches had low vitamin D levels. Some clues can help you know if it’s happening to you:

  • Musculoskeletal pain, similar to that of the flu, usually appears (although without chills).
  • Another difference is that, in this case, the painful discomfort is used to concentrate and the head – in the hip area.
  • The muscle weakness and bone fragility (bone fractures occur reasonably quickly and perhaps too significant little falls) are other symptoms that suggest.

5. Its Incidence of Headache

What if you suffer from a stomatal headache? It occurs precisely when there is this excessive bone wear (in this case in the skull). Vitamin D deficiency also appears to alter specific muscles that affect the head, causing headaches, which tends to be chronic.

under sun exposure

How Headaches Are Resolved in This Case:

  • Upon suspicion, the doctor will request an analysis to determine the levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. The results are average if they indicate that it is between 30 and 74 ng per milliliter of blood. If it is lower, there is a deficit.
  • Trying not to miss this vitamin. Vitamin supplements are an excellent resource for their lack since it is impossible to ingest it through food. They should always be taken under medical supervision.
  • Taking more magnesium. Your doctor may advise taking foods rich in this mineral (and even a supplement) because when vitamin D levels are low, magnesium is too.
  • It was under sun exposure moderately and responsibly. Go for a daily walk, avoid the hours of most magnificent sunshine – from noon to four in the afternoon in summer – and opt for a light protector.

6. If You Are Lacking a Group B Vitamin

In particular, Vitamin B2, which is also known as riboflavin, may equally be behind your headache. It participates in the synthesis and the degradation of fats, carbohydrates –especially sugars– and proteins.

Vitamin B2 deficiency causes eyestrain, fatigue, and headaches.

Like all those that form group B, it has a relaxing effect; it combats insomnia and headaches caused by tension postures. You get it with:

  • Yeast extract
  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Almonds
  • Blue Fish
  • Cheeses and dairy
  • Wheat bran
  • It dried aromatic herbs

Also, the lack of B6 and B12 can cause headaches. It is recommended to take foods rich in these vitamins.

7. Another Culprit, the Lack of Coenzyme Q10

It protects us from free radicals and prevents the oxidation of our cells. Many influences this substance in our organism that in some countries, it is provided as a complement to overcome headaches.

It is also known as ubiquinol, and it is typical for levels in the body to decrease from the age of 35. For this reason, it is also often included in many anti-aging cosmetics.

In addition to headaches, if you have been with this deficiency for a long time, you may have complained of muscle pain. The bleeding gums may be another sign that you lack coenzyme Q10.

Q10 levels drop from age 35

Certain drugs may be to blame for your body not having enough. For example, it occurs with antacids, statins (for cholesterol), pills for diabetes, and hormonal treatment in menopause. In cases of the severe deficit, coenzyme Q10 is administered in tablets with excellent results.

How Can You Get It

  • It is present in the viscera of animals (liver, kidneys, and heart). However, it is not convenient to exceed them because they can accumulate many toxins.

The peanuts

  • Therefore, it is better to resort to the vegetable. Q10 is also found in cereals, especially whole grains, and vegetable oils and vegetables such as spinach and the cabbage family.
  • Consume blue fish such as sardines, tuna, salmon, anchovies, mackerel, all of them rich in fatty acids, which guarantee this substance’s contribution.
  • The peanuts and tofu are other excellent sources of Q10.
  • Fruits like strawberry and orange also contain it.

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