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How To Relieve A Painful Period Naturally

There are usual remedies that can help you combat painful Period. Combine them to your liking and find the relief you are looking for.

A widespread problem

Painful Period is estimated that up to 60% of women suffer from dysmenorrhea or, in other words, severe abdominal and pelvic pain that appears before the Period or while having it.

Anti-inflammatory infusion

One of the things you can do to alleviate it is to take an infusion of lemon balm, yarrow, chamomile, angelica, and alchemy, in equal parts. Use one tablespoon of this mixture per cup of hot water. Take the amount of infusion you need.

Diet changes

A study from the University of Aarhus (Denmark) shows that women who follow a diet with high amounts of omega 3 and vitamin B12 had a less bothersome period.

And where do you find omega 3s and vitamin B12

And where do you find omega 3s and vitamin B12

Omega 3 is provided by bluefish, flax and chia seeds, soybeans, nuts, avocado And vitamin B12, fish, seafood, organ meats, cheese …

Malasana’s posture

Get together with yoga. The uterus, when contracting during the Period, hurts because it is rigid. With this yoga pose, you can loosen it up. To do this, squat with your legs open and feet aligned with your knees.

Place your hands in a prayer location in the center of your chest. Lengthen your torso and breathe deeply.

Have an orgasm

It is a natural pain reliever. You may not feel like it much, but think that during orgasm hormones (oxytocin and endorphins) are released with an analgesic effect.

And also, there is a flow of blood to the entire vulva area, accompanied by a subsequent uterine relaxation. And if you find it challenging to reach it, discover the tricks to have an orgasm with fireworks.

Paracetamol or Aine?

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs (better known as Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Diclofenac ), are the ones that have shown greater efficacy with the problem.

And they don’t increase bleeding as believed. It is a myth that many women do not take them, but they do not make the Period more abundant.

The benefits of heat

Applying heat to the belly and lower back, with an electric mat, for example, relieves discomfort.

What if it’s something else?

If Painful Period hurts a lot and other symptoms that we tell you here, it could be endometriosis, a disease that gives rise to very painful rules. It occurs when part of the endometrial tissue (the uterus’s inner layer responsible for menstruation) is outside the uterus (ovary, intestine ).

The good news is that you have treatment. If in doubt, ask, because it can be treated pharmacologically or surgically.

And prevention is better than cure

Here you have very simple checkups that can save your life.

1. What Is Dysmenorrhea Exactly?

Intense pain. Dysmenorrhea is defined as severe abdominal and pelvic pain that appears before or coinciding with menstruation and lasts for approximately 24 hours.

Very common. It is approximate that between 25% and 60% of women suffer from it. But only between 1% and 15% suffer pain with much more intensity, known as severe dysmenorrhea.

Who usually suffers it. Dysmenorrhea is quite common among adolescent girls and women of reproductive age. It is sustained by between 25% and 50% of women who are in this stage.

What Is Dysmenorrhea Exactly

And there are indications that those who are more likely to experience painful periods are women who smoke, those who are overweight, those who had their first period before age 11, and those who drink alcohol during menstruation.

2. What Are The Main Symptoms Of Painful Period?

The painful rule is not just limited to pain. It is usually accompanied by other problems such as nausea and vomiting (89%), fatigue (85%), diarrhea (60%), headache (45%), pain in the lower back and legs, as well as dizziness, anxiety, irritability, depression, and bloating.

3. What Are The Main Causes For Painful Period?

There are many possible causes.- Infections, ovarian cysts, or polyps in the uterine cavity, pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids, abnormal pregnancy (miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy ). But the most frequent cause of painful periods is endometriosis.

Find out what this disease is that doctors take to diagnose.

4. How To Relieve The Pain Of The Period?

Apply heat. The Atypical hot water bottle or thermal blanket is infallible. If you also combine it with an afternoon on the couch and Netflix, goodbye, pain!

Take infusions. On the one hand, the heat will calm the inflammation, and, on the other, the soothing properties of ingredients such as lemon balm or chamomile will soothe you. Try the infusion that we propose you will repeat!

Change your diet. It has been shown that diets with high amounts of omega 3 and vitamin B12 favor less painful periods.

Do yoga. This ancient discipline’s benefits are countless, and menstrual relief could not be missing from the list. Bet on postures focused on opening hips like Malasana.

An orgasm Ahem, what doesn’t a good OMG solve !?

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Despite popular belief, they don’t increase bleeding – it’s a myth!

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