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Fitness Care Health Care

6 Keys To Making Exercise Become Another Habit

Do you try every two by three to make exercise part of your day to day but abandon the minimum of change? The following tips will finally help you integrate sport into your daily life.

1. Write down on a paper what your goals are

Playing sports is fashionable and good for health. But these vague reasons are usually not enough to strengthen a habit. Ask yourself why you want to exercise.

They must be specific objectives (lose a couple of kilos, give yourself a while to disconnect from day-to-day obligations, lower your cholesterol levels).

Write down on paper and put them in a visible place because rereading them will help you not throw in the towel at the slightest change.

2. Be realistic when assessing your fitness.

If you have just started exercising recently or have not yet achieved the necessary consistency to make it a routine, it will not help you to pose challenges that are not within your reach in the short term (running a marathon, going to the gym every day and do two classes in a row).

Even if you have to exert yourself a little, sustained overexertion does not suit you: it is one of the main reasons you can abandon.

Girl Doing Exercise in The Gym

3. Set yourself a new challenge for each day

If your problem is that you end up exercising because you get bored, try to make your training routine more varied. Setting different goals depending on the moment can help you achieve them.

For example, you can challenge yourself to make an exercise table to improve your glutes one day. And another, to move a little more to burn the excesses of a family meal. There are many “excuses” for doing sports: finding them is mostly up to you.

4. Make a place possible on your plan.

Do you have little time and many obligations? Consider when you can spend some time training: the ideal would be to do it three days a week. Nor does it take a long time: you can save time at noon, first thing in the morning or late in the afternoon.

Another option is to take advantage of your commuting to go cycling, brisk walking. If you have very little time, you can even do an exercise table at home.

5. Get it right when choosing your activity.

Do not let yourself be guided by what your friends like or what is fashionable (there are people who are passionate about running, but you may not like it).

One of the key points to not giving up is that what you do motivates you, so the exercise must adapt to your tastes.

For example, if you are overwhelmed by closed spaces, do not join the gym because you will surely go the first few days but little else. But if you like to move to the music, there is nothing better than going to Zumba, spinning or aerobics classes.

Keys To Making Exercise Become Another Habit

6. If you don’t know how to go on… ask for help

Have you tried a thousand times, but there is no way to make sport part of your day today? If so, perhaps the help of a personal trainer would be beneficial to you.

By staying with him, you will feel more committed to keeping the appointment. You will also be able to elaborate on a plan adapted to your time, tastes, and preferences.

You can try it for a few months and, once you have established the habit, it will be much easier for you to play sports on your own.

7. Make your routine a habit.

Having free hours is essential to exercise one more habit, but other factors must also be taken into account. For example, in summer, we usually have more free time, but high temperatures can make you give up trying.

Spring, on the other hand, can become an excellent opportunity to strengthen this habit. Surely there will not be so many “temptations” to make other plans (such as going to the beach).

Also, exercise can help you combat spring asthenia and, once it has become a routine, not to gain weight for the summer.

We recommend that you put our plan into practice. With determination and perseverance, you will finally succeed in making exercise a daily habit.

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