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7 Practical Ways To Cheat Hunger

Hunger: Is it challenging for you to resist to caloric things? A study has shown that when you have excess weight, the brain has a more challenging time saying “no” to sugar and fat. But we know how you can “fool” him.

1. Put a Blue Light on Your Fridge

Some dietitians recommend installing a small blue light LED inside the refrigerator.

This color has been shown to ward off anxiety and, therefore, it can “calm” you when your nerves make you visit the refrigerator. Wait a few seconds after the gap, and you will be able to choose better what you will drink.

2. Eat With Music (Slow)

Relaxed music builds you chew more and eat more slowly, experts say.

Eat With Music

And that helps you A study in the USA ensures that women who eat more slowly consume fewer calories. But be careful, if you play music too fast and with rhythm changes, the effect will be the opposite.

3. The Dessert: on a White Plate

If you are a sugary lover, this trick will help you eat less sugar when you finish your meal. With the dish of that color, you fool your palate. Look at the reason given by some Canadian scientists: food served in a round white plate is perceived as sweeter than if it is eaten in a dark or square container.

4. The Proportion Trick to Cheat Hunger

If you eat in small plates and use silverware for dessert, it will seem that you eat more. In this way, your sight will play in your favor. And this is the top way to serve a small amount without your brain feeling that the portion is small.

5. The Fruit: in a Massive Bowl Cheat Hunger

If you think that eating fruit does not “fill” you, some neuropsychologists recommend serving it in a massive bowl and holding it with your hands.

In this way, the feeling of satiety is more excellent. And is that the heaviness of the bowl in hand tells the brain that the amount of food you are eating is essential.

6. Cravings on a Red Plate!

We are using color therapy again because this little trick can reduce total calories by up to 40% when eating a calorie plate. Therefore, the dish itself reminds us that we must stop when eating.

7. The Healthiest Always at Hand Cheat Hunger

Having temptations insight makes everything much harder for you. But it also occurs the other way around. When you start to have an appetite, the brain pushes you to “jump” for any food.

That is why you should keep healthy products on hand and store them on your pantry’s closet shelves.

The Fruit in a Massive Bowl

Other Ways to “Mislead” Your Mind

Assuredly you know a person who never “pecks” anything between meals. As it does? Indeed your brain manages to put “judgment” before “reward.” Although that ability depends on many factors, that you have ways to improve it.

Do not prohibit yourself, change habits. A study in Cognitive Neuroscience showed that the brains of people who continuously follow restrictive diets are less able to select healthy foods when they feel hungry.

“Fad” diets make you eat more.

Don’t try to starve yourself. As long as your body has glucose “reserves,” your control capacity is high. When its level drops too low, your brain pushes you to eat fatty foods and sugars, which provide energy quickly.

What if it’s thirst instead of hunger? Sometimes we confuse thirst with emptiness, and just by swallowing a glass of water, that desire to eat is diluted. Other times anxiety “pushes” us to eat. If this happens to you, breathing deeply for a couple of minutes can restore your calm and reduce the urge to put a caloric food in your mouth.

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